I suggest getting a yoga matt because it makes doing things on your knees less painful (no not that you dirty bird) Including some great yoga positions and some exercises.
Amazing Butt Workout:
- Have your yoga matt or a towel and get on all fours. Lift your right leg out (like you are a dog and you are going to pee) then slowly kick your up and back (like your trying to touch your toe on your head)
- Go back and forth (suggested 100 times but I can only do 50) and don't switch legs until you've done all 50! (or 100 if your a go-getter)

HOT PICTURES - I know...
Squat Slide:
- Put a towel under one of your feet standing up
- Squat while sliding your towel-foot out to the side- rise up as you slide your foot back in the center
3 sets 20 reps (Switch feet in between reps)
- Get into a low squat with hands straight out in front of you
- When you come back up from the squat kick your recently bent leg up in the air
- Don't switch legs until you have done 20
(Can hold on to a couch/chair for stability) 3 sets 20 reps each leg
- Great one for when your watching tv: Lie on your side
- Lift outside leg up in the air and bring back down slowly
- 3 sets of 20 on each leg (Don't switch leg until you did 20!)
- Try to do 50 all in one go- even if you do half-ass 50 crunches you will have a burn and see results (expecially if you do them first thing in the morning before you eat! Damn!)
Jump Rope!
- Skipping is an amazing way to tone legs and lose weight; plus, it's kinda fun
- Do for about 5-10 minutes - it's amazing cardio and you LOSE 10 CALORIES A MIN!
Which means 10 minutes you burn 100-130 calories - we like that :)
- I'll say it now and I'll probably mention it again somewhere but dancing is such a good work out!
- Close the blinds and dance like an idiot to your favorite songs
- Dancing in the mirror is highly recommended
- Put on your guilty music pleasures
- Get naked!