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Gym Workout Pt 2 - Beach Body

After doing My Gym Workout for a few weeks, reversed all exercises (1-10 week 1, 10-1 week 2) and switching up different days for different body parts (muscle confusion) I'm sure you are bored of the same workout plan. Here are some new and different weight training and exercises to do for getting ready for the summer!!

Day 1: Upper Body

Dumbell Push-ups- While holding 5lb dumbells in each hand. Do one push up, then lift dumbell up (like starting a lawn-mower) and do other arm. Do as many you can in one minute. break. two more times. (or if no timer device do 3 sets of 20-25) Also you can go on your knees as well (I do :P)

Dumbell Chest Flys- Back on medicine ball holding 5lbs in each hand. 3 sets 12 reps

Butt-Out Reverse Flys- Holding 5 lb dumbells, thumbs outwards 3 sets of 12

Dips- Hold a sturdy bench either having legs on ground or on another bench the same height. 3 set of 12

Inverted Rows - Somewhat hang vertically from a bar, toes pointing up. Pull in and out. 3 sets of 12

Overhead Tricep Extension - 3 sets of 12 Use 10 lbs or whatevers comfortable. (Can use machine too- butt out and extend forward with 10lbs weight)

Bar Curl- Use 20 lb bar and curl 3 sets of 12. Watch those arms tone!!

Notes:  If you find doing 12 reps is way to easy and your not struggling the last few reps then use more weight. A great way to workout is if you have a timer for no-weight exercises do as many as you can in a minute or 30 seconds with short breaks.

Day 2: Lower Body

Bench Step-Ups- Step up, knee up same leg 1 min, switch.

Lunge Throw- Get in lunge position wall or mirror on right side of you.  Hold medicine ball (the one filled with air) bring it down to your left side and bring it up and throw it against the wall and raise at the same time. Catch the ball and do it again. Switch sides. 1 min each side

Side Heart Planks- Lie on your side lift top leg draw a heart in the air. Draw 12 hearts- 3 times. Switch legs.

Dead lifts- Grab bar from ground and stand (working on your back, legs and bum) 3 sets of 12

Hip Lifts- Back on a matt, one leg bent and planted one leg up in the air, lower bum to almost the ground and up again. 3 sets of 12 each leg.

Lunges- Great for tight buns!! Lunge on a half medicine ball 3 sets of 12.

Thigh Squeezes - Inner and outer machines 3 sets of 12. I love these.

Day 3: Abdominals

Side Sit-ups- Lean against a medicine ball (hip) feet bracing you against a wall, holding a dumbell 3 sets of 12 - great for gettin rid of love handles!

V-sits- Holding dumbell, twist to make harder 3 sets of 12

Window Wipers- Lie on back legs up together- back and forth 3 sets 12

Mountain Climber- Hands on bench or step, push up position knee up back switch leg. back and forth fast. 2 min

Ball Roll- Ankles on medicine ball, back on ground lifted butt.  Roll ball in and out 3 sets 12

Reverse Ball Roll- Top of feet on medicine ball, arms in push up position. Roll ball in tuck knees and out 3 sets of 12

Sit ups - 3 sets of 12 (can sit on medicine ball to help support back)

Ab Pull-Down-  Knees on a matt, holding machine handles near ears, flex abs and pull down. 3 sets of 12

(Horrible picture, but you kind of get the idea.....better for your back when your on your knees)

Day 4: Cardio

Skipping - 5 Min
Step Machine - 15 min
Bike - 15 min
Treadmill - 15 min

Let me know if you need any explanations or help :) Have fun!




    Thanks <3 !

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