Working out with a partner is great for motivation, they will force you to keep going and you will force them- makes you unstopable! Its also great because sometimes you stop doing certain exercises either because theyre hard or theyr just so BORING! But hopefully you and your partner have a sense of humour and laugh a little through the exercise and get it done. After all, laughing is an ab workout all in itself :)
Either with a friend or your spouse/boyfriend, these exercises you need another person and can be done at home.
Ab Master
Lie on your back (on a yoga matt or towel) and have your partner stand behind your head with their toes pointing towards your shoulders.
Grab their ankles for support
Lift your legs up and do a butt lift with legs straight in the air
Have them hold their arms out for a guidline to touch your toes with their hands
Do 3 sets of 12
Ab Crunch
Do the well known cruch with them holding down your feet.... so much easier that way!
Ab Pass
Sit down with knees bent with backs touching but hips a bit far apart so your sitting a little reclined and your abs are engaged.
Lift feet up a little and pass from side to side 6-10 lb weight or something approx that weight
Pass back and forth 3 times from side to side then pass to your partner - they will do 3 times then pass back
This should switch up the sides your return and send from
3 sets of 12
Ab Toss
If you have some sort of basketball, weight ball or any kind of heavy/ soft medium sized ball handy this one is great for the abs
Do a sit up with the ball in your hands
As you reach the top of your sit up- pass the ball to your partner in the same position across from you
They will do a sit up (lay back and rise up and toss the ball back to you)
Go back and forth 3 sets of 12
Plank Touch
Get in plank position facing eachother (heads closest, feet furthest away)
Alternating hands reach up and lightly push your partners shoulder (clap-shake hands-pound it) whatever you wish, in the middle
Switch arms
You both should be using the same arms (Right arm and right arm) so your arms dont clash
Dont rest from the plank position until youve done your full set!
3 sets of 12
Butt/ Hamstrings Workout
Get on your knees and have a straight back with hands on hips
Have your partner hold down your feet from behind you
Lean forward
Hold eachothers hands face to face with toes face to face
Slowly lower into a squat and hold for 30 seconds
Do that 3 times!
Remember: Giggling/screaming is permitted
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