Screw Pro-Ana

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About Auntie-Ana....

Thursday, April 22, 2010


There are way too many girls going with pro-ana or mia (cute way of saying anorexia and bulimia) I used to be obsessed with checking out new thinspo tips and tricks but I had enough knowledge to know that some of the stuff was just ridiculous...

Here’s my take:
Rather than Thinspo tips/tricks, these are some HEALTHY tips/tricks for those who want to lose weight, tone and be sexier.

Going the unhealthy way, you lose friends, always tired, constantly stressed and thinking about food because your forcing yourself not to eat, lose hair, teeth and nails go yellow because your body doesn't get the nutrients you need. One apple a day - a good way to die. So instead, eat 5-6 small portions a day, work out and FEEL GOOD!
Lose weight and tone in a healthy way and guaranteed you’ll feel great about yourself and get the feedback you desire.

I will be adding a calorie counter page for some of the foods I eat, some amazing exercises, BMI calculator, recipes, nutrition, supplements and vitamins, and Lots of Tips & Tricks - so check often and I guarantee this site will help you way more than those thinspo pages that push you to near fatal conditions!

Peace out hotties! xx


  1. thank you, youve helped an anorexic recover

    1. No thank you for trying the healthy way! Keep being strong xx

  2. I am tired of being fat and decided to look at pro-ana blogs. I am depressed and ready to go down that road. I was starting with liquids to practice for my first fast, looking for tips on how to prevent binges. During my internet search your page popped up on the side bar. On a whim I clicked it. I think it may have just prevented my downfall...

    1. I'm so happy you found this blog, good luck to your healthy and happy future!! xx
