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Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Becoming Vegetarian - COLD TURKEY (pun intended)

Becoming a vegetarian was something that weighed on my mind a lot these past couple of years.  I would go off on rants how terrible it was and then continue eating meat as if I didn't care.

It all happened when I saw a video of men abusing cows at a Dairy Farm.  I thought wow what a bunch of terrible people and said "that would never happen in Canada."  I soon found out that that video not only was shot in Canada, but was shot in my hometown.  I couldn't believe that happened and thought for sure these men are going to jail. Since then I started following Mercy for Animals.

The more information I learned from following them the worse I felt. I soon realized that the amount of humane farms in the world are pretty slim unless you do your research and visit the local farms to make sure, but I was past that.  It suddenly became obvious - why the hell am I so upset with all of these farm animals getting abused and getting killed - but ok with eating them?  Why is the life of all of these animals only worth a meal for me?

On New Years Eve I decided I'd get myself a meat lovers pizza as a farewell.  I figured I'd try being a vegetarian out for a month no strings attached - this was a huge deal for me!  It wasn't like I was a massive meat eater but I just had no idea what it was going to be like...

That month was hilarious.  I thought I was adventurous with food but I literally ate the same things I would have with meat - but with the meat taken out.  If you think vegetarians are always healthy think again!  I don't think I ate a vegetable for the first 2 weeks! There was a lot of cheese pizza's and kraft dinner. (NSFVegans) After the two weeks of vegetarian crap I started eating real vegetables, rice, fruit and a lot of peanut butter.🍍🍌

Well it's November 28th and I'm still meat-free!  After the month I had no urge to consume chicken or meat and actually got quite turned off of it.  I slowly started enjoying natural foods more.  Tomatoes, basil, broccoli, carrots, beets etc started tasting better.  I didn't need bacon or chicken to add to something- I just filled my meals with more flavourful items. I also quickly noticed that I had NO MORE STOMACH ACHES!  Since I was born I've always had stomach aches, I've been through hundreds of tests and doctors could never find out what's wrong. All I had to do was stop eating meat!

After the month of being a vegetarian I decided to be a Pescetarian which means I don't eat meat or chicken but I do eat seafood.  I only want to eat things that I could get on my own.  I would never ever kill a pig because I love pigs - so why would I eat them? I would and have fished before.

I respect other peoples decision to eat whatever they want and in this year I haven't got into any arguments about it. My fiance still eats meat and that's totally up to him.  I would never push anyone to do anything unless they wanted to.

There is however some things that still bug me - like the milk industry.  I try my best to limit the amount of milk I consume - almond milk, soy lattes and sometimes even vegan cheese.  That part of it is the hard part for me but I'm so glad I made the decision to become a vegetarian and I couldn't be happier!

If anyone reading this suffers from IBS or any kind of stomach issues - I urge you to try either limiting your meat/chicken intake or try the month challenge of being a vegetarian.  Anyone can try a month no strings attached - it's also a fun challenge to switch up your meals and make it more interesting.

A new month is just around the corner - Do you think you could do it?