Screw Pro-Ana

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About Auntie-Ana....

Food Journal

I think a great way to keep track of your intake is by keeping a food journal.  I started one because I always had really bad stomach aches and I wanted to see if I could see a pattern of what caused them. 

After keeping a food journal for the last month, I slowly found it kind of fun to eat super healthy, cut out certain things and I felt good about writing them down.

After the first bit of writing down Mcdonalds, Wendy's, Tim Horton's stuff and I kept putting stars beside each meal (stomach ache)

I realised when I ate healthy, smaller portions and my 8 glasses of water everyday- NO MORE STARS! Wow! That's amazing!

Everyone says eat healthier and you will feel better well I always told them to shut it.....but now I can see it in my food logs! Healthy, small portions = no stars and a happy Auntie-Ana :D

Feel free to make your own or copy and paste this one into your a Word Perfect program on your computer.

Date ______________________
Working: ___________________(Put your hours)
Worked out: Yes/No __________ (Circle and how long/on what etc)
                                   Total Cals:_________
8 Glasses of water: Yes/No (Circle YES!!!)

These lines above are for your 5-6 small meals, snacks, drinks if something other then water, calories (if you count) you can also use my star system if you have a sensitive stomach as well to track the pattern of what causes you to get them.  Just put a big star beside a certain snack/meal/drink if it hurt you :(

I usually have about 4 of these to fill a page - if you want me to send you the actual one with four on a page with your name on it (ooooh customized!) just leave me a comment with your name and email and I'll be happy to email you it! Then you can just print out a bunch of pages and keep in in a folder.

Keeping tabs on what you eat with make you more aware and bring attention to naughty habits you might not realise you have!!
