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Saturday, April 24, 2010


Has anyone tried it? Recommend it?

Here's the recipe:

Mmm Looks yummy....-_-
Here's some info I got from some websites: "Follow the Cleanse Recipe for a minimum of 10 days or more—up to 40 days and beyond may be safely followed for extremely serious cases."
"The diet has all the nutrition needed during this time. Three to four times a year will do wonders for keeping the body in a normal healthy conditions. The program may be undertaken more frequently for serious conditions."

It would be hard but apparently you are supposed to do it until everything comes out clear (pee and other hole) :O yikes!  I have a feeling it wouldn't really cure the hunger... but it's obviously been done!

Though I've never tried it, I also have heard some negative things.... one thing i'm nervous about is that your body gets use to the liquid diet but as soon as you start eating solids again your body stores it to fat because it doesn't know when the next meal will be... thats why when you have 5-6 small meals everyday your body stops storing fat because it knows it will get a meal soon. 

Has anyone heard of this?  Thoughts?


  1. I have tried this, and I didn't like it very much. I have heard of some celebrities doing it but I just couldn't get comfortable with how I felt like I was starving myself. And I did it for 10 days ( I guess Beyonce did it for that long as well, so I followed suit to try it out). I could not wait to get it over with. I did however come up with my own Cleanse. I've tried so many cleanses so I decided to make my own and it works. I lost about 1LB a day even with exercise and its a 5 Day Cleanse. lol hope that helps.

  2. EDK♥DOLCE I would like to know what your cleanse is? I have been looking for one to try.....please let me know, thanks xoxo


    above i put the link to the article i wrote a couple days ago about my cleanse. check it out. lemme know if you like it.

    ♥you're welcome

  4. Thank you!! for some reason I copy and paste but was not able to open :( not sure whats wrong

  5. thats fine. lol just go to and then the blog titles are in the left hand corner of the page towards the bottom. its "El'Aundra's 5-day cleanse" lemme know if that works for you.
